TAC 낙성대 점 0507-1340-4996주소서울 관악구 남부순환로 1949 금산빌딩 지하층 B-2호2낙성대역 7번 출구에서159m찾아가는길낙성대역 7번 또는 8번출구에서 사당역 방면으로 2분정도 걸어와 주세요.영업시간오늘 휴무매주 월요일 휴무매주 월요일 휴무펼쳐보기 설명Let’s enjoy your archery! 활쏘기를 편안하게 즐 기고 배울 수 있는 실내 공간, 전통활쏘기클럽(Tr aditional Archery…
Gaon archery, Running archery
Gaon is the pen name of Park Bum-nam. He is very famous worldwide in horseback archery. His children also have great levels. I think he uploaded what hr took a long time ago on YouTube. It’s a ground training tip…
기사 및 기마궁술 배움터
속초 : 화랑도체험장 : 영랑호, 대한마상격구협회, 기사(마상궁술)https://kemaa.webnode.kr/ 고령 : 대가야 기마문화 승마체험장 http://www.daegayahorse.com/sub02.php 화성 : 한국전통마상무예학교 http://www.masangmuye.co.kr/xe/main 서울 : 대한궁술원http://m.cafe.daum.net/koreagungsulwon/6kqY/4030?svc=cafeapp 장흥 : 정남진승마교육원 https://xn--hz2bn7n.net/blog/?pn_id=296
Zipgung education program
For those who don’t do archery as a profession, The strength of the bow is better to be weaker than that of the archer. That way, the archer can enjoy the bow for a long time. It’s not best to…
Gungdae usage
Gungdae is one of the essential items for Gungdo. Basic is usually in the form of a picture below, and high-quality Gungdae is made using a variety of good fabrics, silk. The functions of Gungdae are 1. quiver, 2. bow…
1 Soon(순,5 arrows) maneuver running shot game.
1 Soon(순,5 arrows) maneuver running shot game. How to play games. 1 Soon(5 arrows) running shot and shoot. Stand the target at intervals of 10 meters. Make the target size square 60cm and 10 or 5 points.Measure the time by…
Attach pheasant feathers.
Attach pheasant feathers. Korean archers use pheasant feathers when using natural feathers.This is because pheasant feathers are light and have excellent resilience. It also uses only pure feathers by removing them from the roots of the feathers and making them…
Rankings of hwalssogi archers.
We are synthesizing the general archery rankings. It is archery in other sports except Gungdo. Short range competitions, youth competitions, etc. If you let me know the results of the existing competition, I will update it. 1st in the…
The reason why lay down the bow inward about 15 degree
Why do Korean archers let the bow lie inside his body at about 15 degrees when shooting an arrow ? This is not intentionally to lay down the bow at 15 degrees, but to check whether it was pushed exectly…
9th U.S. Kuk Gung Festival,California
Usually, there is a Gungdo competition in the western United States at this time of year. Please participate in the event when you are